Do I Need Emergency Contraception or the Abortion Pill?

Medication abortion (also called abortion pills) and emergency contraception (also called Plan B or the morning-after pill) are two very different medicines. Abortion pills end a pregnancy — so you use them when you’re already pregnant. But emergency contraception can stop pregnancy from happening in the first place — so you use it soon after sex but before you get pregnant.

If you had unprotected sex within the last 5 days and want to prevent pregnancy, you can use emergency contraception, like the morning-after pill. But emergency contraception will NOT work if you're already pregnant. If you're already pregnant and don't want to be, you may be able to use abortion pills.

Here’s the rundown:

Abortion Pills (also called medication abortion):

Emergency Contraception (also called Plan B and the morning-after pill):

In general, ella is more effective than over-the-counter Plan B-type pills, but ella can be harder to get because you need a prescription. Emergency contraception is totally safe, but it’s not as effective as regular birth control (like the birth control pill, implant, or IUD).

If you want more information about abortion pills or emergency contraception, you can chat online or text "PPNOW" to 774636 (PPINFO) to speak with one of our live health educators — it’s totally free and totally confidential.