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Students Who Become Expectant Parents –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Background In the Bible it is recorded that adultery/fornication was forgiven by Christ. Christ taught that a person guilty of adultery/fornication, who subsequently repents, is to be forgiven (John 8:1-11, I Cor. 6:11). CCS follows Biblical principles in discipline. In cases of wrong-doing, the student is to confess and repent of the wrong; we can then forgive and accept the student back into the school community (Gal. 6:1, I John 1:9). It is the school’s belief that the reality of pregnancy in a context of repentance may reinforce an attitude of restraint among others toward premarital sex, putting sexual permissiveness in a proper Christian perspective. Statement of Policy In view of the above, continued attendance of expectant parents is considered on an individual basis. Each decision is made on the basis of Christian concern for the welfare of each student and family involved and for the welfare of the student body. This policy applies equally to male and female students. The requirements noted below are mandatory if continued attendance is to be permitted. Procedure for Implementation When the principal becomes aware of a pregnancy, he makes contact with the student, parents, and pastor to investigate and determine whether: 1. The student is convinced that his or her behavior was sin. 2. The student understands the change of community status he or she has entered and wants to assume Christian responsibility for himself or herself and the unborn child before parents, school and the greater Christian community. 3. There are any other relevant facts pertinent to the situation. The decision to allow a student to continue attendance at CCS or to require the student to seek his or her education elsewhere is made by the Education Committee based on the recommendation of the principal. The decision of the Education Committee may be appealed in writing to the Board of Directors by the student or his or her parent or guardian within seven (7) days of the date on which the Education Committee renders its decision. The implementation of the policy is the responsibility of the student’s principal. The principal keeps the President and the Education Committee informed. Provisions for Continued Attendance The student’s continued attendance requires the following: 1. That he or she resides with his or her parents or in a home approved by the parents or guardians. (Students who marry are counseled by the administration concerning special arrangements for their continued attendance). 2. That a doctor’s permission to attend is presented if the student is taking a course that may be harmful to herself or her unborn child. 3. That participation in school-sponsored public performances and extra-curricular activities are suspended at the discretion of the school administration, but at least until after the birth of the child, to allow time for the student to adjust to the role and responsibility of parenthood. (School-sponsored performances and extra-curricular activities include such things as 76
sports, drama performances, concerts, graduation, solicitations for advertisements in school publications, and activities with other schools or the general public.) 4. That the student attends school full-time during the grading period of the first trimester of the pregnancy unless written doctor’s orders express otherwise. 5. That attendance during subsequent grading periods is determined administratively after communication with the expectant parent and his or her parents. Chattanooga Christian School and the Homosexual Lifestyle —————————————————————————————————————— With regard to the promoting of the homosexual agenda or lifestyle, Chattanooga Christian School has made its stance clear and definite. As outlined in Article II of Chattanooga Christian School’s Constitution, “the basis of the Chattanooga Christian School, Inc. is the Word of God….” Article III reemphasizes our position by stating that “the purpose of Chattanooga Christian School is to maintain a school for the daily instruction to be in accordance with Article II (Word of God)…” At CCS, we hold to the inerrancy of Scripture and believe the 66 books of the Bible (our true Constitution) “are given by God to be the rule of faith and life” Westminster Confession of Faith Ch. 1 pg. 5) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (II. Timothy 3:16) To know and search the infallible, inerrant words of Scriptures, which are: • the basis for Chattanooga Christian School’s purpose, • the true handbook for the maintenance of daily instruction and •the foundation for all Christian living, One finds ample reference to our school’s position, perspective and focus for living that is in accordance with the will of God. This position is strengthened and reinforced in the school’s handbook where it states in the general statement under Admission Policies and Procedures on page 16 that, “The privilege of attending CCS is granted to children of families that demonstrate commitment to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ and to the principles of Christian education on which CCS is founded” (Constitution and sub-sequentially Scripture). Page 44 of the handbook also notes that “…we are to obey God and to respect and care for those with whom we have contact each day. Those are indeed guidelines for acceptable and appropriate conduct within CCS.” Therefore, as a starting point, it is vital to acknowledge the worth of having God in our minds, to think God’s thoughts after Him and in so doing, to be able to discern the will of God for our lives. Paul exhorts us to search the mind of God as revealed to us in Scripture. Romans 12:2 declares, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of our mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” When dealing with sexuality, there is a normative relationship established by God at the beginning of time. A loving sexual relationship is one of the benefits of marriage. God approves of sexual relations between married partners and views the married sexual relationship as beautiful. The final verse of Genesis 1 is a summary statement of how God views His creation: “Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good”. (Genesis 1:31) This was shortly after God had created the first two human beings as male and female (verse 26). God pronounced sexuality, the male and female bodies and sexual relations as very good. In the account of creation the only thing God said was not good was for the man to be alone. So God created a woman to be with him. (Genesis 2:18). “Then God blessed them, and God said to them,’ Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and 77